This one in particular struck my eye:
Is it the democracy selective?I don't know how prevalent this sort of sentiment is in Congo just yet. I've long been puzzled that Congolese aren't angrier at Americans, and it may be premature to suggest there has been any significant change in mood among them. The politically powerless can remain quiescent for an awfully long time. But you've got to figure that they'll get angry, at some point, and that their anger, once it finds release, could be dangerous. The weak tend to lash out indiscriminately when they feel cheated. If the United States continues along the path many of us see it as having set for itself--of refusing to recognize and support the democratic aspirations of the Congolese people--this sort of sentiment may become more and more common. I have no idea how common, or if it will ever be acted on, but isn't the point of diplomacy to minimize these sorts of risks?
Kagame is close to Bill clinton, the former US president that during his mandate, the US helps Kagame entered DRCongo ( Zaire) and Kabila is supported by Kagame and Clinton is the US State department chief is it possible to get change in DRCongo political?
Now that we see that USA, Western countries are supporting Rwanda, Uganda to kill more than 6 millions of our brothers and systers in RDCongo for economical interested and Help the so called Hypolyte Kanambe alias " Joseph Kabila, the Fraud winner of Election " we have the right and option to defend our rights including by terrorism actions, Wapons and all options to defend our country against Rwanda, Uganda and Western countries invasion.
To finish my analyse, We congolese understand now, the reason of El-shabah are fighting, Taliba, and others. When economical interested become more important that democraty and free speech, it become important to be associate with other to defend people interest.
It's the begining of the fight and the fight will be popular. Ingeta
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