None of the people responding critically to my op-ed in the NYT letters section or the blogosphere denies its principal claim: that the law has immiserated a million or so highly vulnerable people. None of them, however, suggests this information has spurred them to reconsider their support for the law, slow their efforts to see it implemented, or make any effort to help the miners whose livelihood the law has all but eliminated. In fact, with one exception, none of them discuss the plight of the miners and their families at all: it's as if they don't exist.
Several critics seem to suggest that we shouldn’t judge the law by its consequences. That, at any rate, is the only sense I can make of Margot Wallstrom’s assurance that the law’s "intentions were admirable" and that “inaction is not an option.” Nor can I otherwise interpret Jason Stearns’ repeated insistence that Dodd-Frank doesn’t mandate an embargo—that “nothing in the law inherently calls for one.”[1]
I find that inadequate. Knowledgeable people on the ground and students of the region worried about the possibility of an embargo from the beginning, and gave increasingly urgent voice to those concerns:
· In April 2009, the British group Resource Consulting Services published a study on conflict minerals funded by the British government, the London School of Economics and Belgium's Ghent University. Its co-author said this about Enough’s support for (what became) Dodd-Frank: "Most miners choose to mine for lack of livelihood alternatives, so stopping or disrupting the trade in minerals will hit the most vulnerable the hardest, and in all likelihood exacerbate conflict dynamics and retard development."
· In October, 2009, Eric Kajemba, the well-respected chief of the Observatoire Gouvernance et Paix, observed that the UN December 2008 Group of Experts’ report stigmatized the mining sector in North and South Kivu for sustaining the armed conflicts in Congo. He continued:
Since then, the actions of certain advocacy groups could entail dramatic consequences for the majority of actors in the cassiterite supply chain, from the miners to the buyers, and ricochet through the entire economy of South Kivu. Given the number of people who depend on the artisanal mining sector, and the amount of income they derive from it, it is quite simply dangerous to boycott this sector. This approach risks increasing fraud and smuggling into neighboring countries not under similar “due diligence” requirements. This will result in a reduction in tax revenues and make it even harder to implement good governance.
· In June 2010, Assheton Stewart Carter of the American non-profit PACT, which was working with the tin industry to implement a tracing program for artisanal miners in eastern Congo, said this: “Restrictions or bans on conflict minerals may cause business to abandon the country, leaving many Congolese citizens who depend on mining for their livelihood even more vulnerable.” Later, Karen Hayes of PACT added this: “We fear that the timing [of the conflict minerals legislation] will mean that responsible companies will have no choice but to withdraw [from the DRC]. If they leave, the trade will get left to the warlords and the charlatans.”
· In July, 2010, Dominic Johnson of the highly respected Pole Institute, a Congolese NGO based in Goma that specializes in the mining sector, wrote this:
There is in our opinion a real danger that initiatives like this will, through trying to eradicate illegal trade which feeds armed actors in the DRC, kill the entire trade. The efforts and costs involved in tracing, disclosing and verifying the exact source of mineral components and submitting to an independent aufit will lead international enterprises to either ignore the law or to turn their backs on the Great Lakes Region in order to reduce risk. Even if business plays by the rules, the legislation will make Congolese resources more expensive without any benefit to the Congolese themselves. The only beneficiaries will be the international consultants who carry out verifications, audits and mappings. It must be stressed that the economy of Kivu would collapse if mineral export revenues dried up… This situation may be deplorable, but Kivu's population will not find peace by losing its only own sources of revenue - in fact, quite the opposite is likely.
· Even the International Crisis Group, which co-founded the Enough Project, warned about the danger of focusing on technical solutions like Dodd-Frank instead of dealing with the underlying governance issues: “No technical solution will stop the trade in minerals from promoting conflict. Only governance based on the rule of law will make the proposed technical solutions feasible. In the event of failure, there is a risk that one of the economic engines of the Great Lakes region will quite simply grind to a halt.”
Although I’m quoting from close students of the region, it hardly took detailed knowledge of local conditions to worry about what might happen once Dodd-Frank passed. This was basic economics, as a post from Daniel Hamersh at
Freakonomics observed: “I noted [when Dodd-Frank passed] the very simple economic point that it would create a surplus that would drive prices down, mostly harm local miners, but benefit buyers/countries without U.S.-level scruples about these purchases. I shouldn’t brag—any Econ I student could have seen this point.” (Amanda Taub makes this point more humorously at
Wronging Rights, with a visit to Crazy Bob’s House of Tantalum.)
Over the age of seven or so, we become responsible for the predictable consequences of our actions, not just for their intent. Dodd-Frank’s consequences were not merely predictable, in the Monday morning quarterback sense of that word. (“He should have seen the rush coming.”) They were predictable in the sense that they were widely predicted. People who knew the region, people who thought about the issues for any length of time, immediately realized the danger Dodd-Frank would pose to the local miners and did all they could to make their concerns known. Yet that in no way deflected the advocates from their mission, nor did it move them to press for ways to mitigate the harm the law would cause to highly vulnerable people.
[1] Stearns also suggests that the electronic companies imposed the embargo as part of a cynical maneuver to get the law watered down. One has only to think for a moment to realize what a grave allegation this is. It would certainly transform my interpretation of what happened. My own op-ed, for example, would have lead something like this: “Electronic companies are holding hostage the livelihoods of a million miners in eastern Congo in an attempt to extort concessions from the SEC and to force advocacy groups to back off their campaign against conflict minerals.” I think Stearns needs to come forward on this. If he has evidence for the allegation he ought to present it, but if it's no more than speculation or chatter he ought to tell us that too. No one is served by putting forward this kind of allegation without further elaboration.
(This is the first of several responses I'll be publishing over the coming days.)